Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Do you have a babysitter you remember?
I'll never forget mine.

"Mr. Bubble gets you so clean your mother wont know you."
Ahhhh! Then she won't feed me and, waaaah!
That one scared a few of us.
But there were gentler times.

Of course things where a little different (racist) back then. Like our version of the...

 at the time.
None the less, T.V. has always been there for me.
I don't watch all the mindless dribble (any more) and I use a critical mind. 
And basically, 
Don't Believe Anything
P.S. The font wont change on this post.
It happens.

1 comment:

  1. Ah ha! I took me a minute to figure out that the titles in the brown font were links to the video clips. (I kept trying to click on the pictures.)

    MY 2 cents about TV:
    Now that I have a DVR, T.V. is so much better because it's customized to my schedule & I can fast forward through commercials.The downside is...... I don't stumble upon unexpected treasures like these anymore.
